Driving directions to Pinkham Notch, NH
This is one method of getting there that I've used:
95 North to Wilmington, DE
Cross the Delaware Memorial Bridge
NJ turnpike North to the Garden State Parkway
Garden State Parkway North
New York Thruway East 87/287
Cross the Tappan Zee Bridge
684 North to 84 East or North (East of Danbury, CN)
84 North or East in Hartford, CN
90 East, Mass. Turnpike
North or West on 495, the Boston Beltway (Outer Beltway)
93 North to New Hampshire, 93 & 3 cross many times
Near New Hampton, take 104 East (looks like exit 23 on the map)
3 North to Meredith (short distance)
25 East or North to West Ossipee
16 North (avoid 16A and B)
Follow 16 North to AMC's Pinkham Notch Visitor Center, north of Jackson & south of
Gorham, NH