Backpacking Trip:
Day | Date | Activity |
Pretrip | - | Ship empty stoves & fuel bottles to hotel if necessary (see notes about stoves & fuel), allow 10 days for ground shipping |
Monday | Aug 12 | Fly from BWI to Salt Lake City, UT, pick up rental car(s), drive to Jackson Hole, WY, buy fuel for stoves, check into hotel, repack gear |
Tuesday | Aug 13 | Drive to Green River Lakes TH, leave car which will be shuttled to end TH, start backpack |
Wednesday | Aug 14 | On trail |
Thursday | Aug 15 | On trail |
Friday | Aug 16 | On trail |
Saturday | Aug 17 | On trail |
Sunday | Aug 18 | On trail |
Monday | Aug 19 | Layover day in Cirque of the Towers |
Tuesday | Aug 20 | End backpack at
Big Sandy Campground TH Drive to motel in Lander, WY, ship (ground) stoves and empty fuel bottles home if necessary |
Wednesday | Aug 21 | Tourist day, drive to Jackson Hole, WY hotel |
Thursday | Aug 22 | Drive to and fly from Salt Lake City, UT to BWI |
Bridger Wilderness, Pinedale District,
Popo Agie Wilderness, Washakie
District, (307) 332-5460
Fitzpatrick Wilderness, Wind River District, (307)
Permits are picked up at the TH
Common Items
If people want to share: tents, stoves & fuel, water filters, first aid kits, or meals, you can work that out for yourselves from the trip roster. At a minimum we need one stove, fuel, filter, and first aid kit for every two to three people. I will coordinate this with participants. If possible, we would like to use stoves that accept the same fuel in case one fails.
In addition to the above items there may be some other common gear that we will have to split up - probably not much. Some common gear that I will carry myself includes an altimeter, and a large detailed topographic map. Other items might include the 40' of 1/8" nylon rope - one or two would be enough for the whole group.
Guidebook & Maps
"Backpacking Wyoming", Douglas
Lorain, Wilderness Press, 2010
"Wyoming's Continental Divide Trail", Lora Davis & Scott Smith, Westcliffe
Publishers, 2000
National Geographic Topographic
Maps, Wyoming (the topographic map software that I use)
North Wind River Range, Earthwalk Press, 1:48000, 40' contours, slightly more
South Wind River Range, Earthwalk Press
I will be using the Earthwalk maps + Topo generated maps, 1:24000
Wind River Range North, Beartooth Publishing, 1:50000, 50' contours, beautiful
Wind River Range South, Beartooth Publishing
Bear Canisters are not legally required for travel in the Wind River Range but we will be above treeline for much of this trip and there won't be places to hang food. In addition to food we also have to put garbage, and any toiletries in the Bear Canister. Bears are attracted to anything with an odor and their noses are 1,000's of times more sensitive than ours. Do not bring toiletries that have an odor. Bring unscented biodegradable soap, toothpaste, sun block, lip balm, and insect repellent. Bears can be a problem along numerous sections of this route, that's why we have to use Bear Canisters.
A great website about bears
Information about bears sense of smell
Horses, Mules, Burros, Llamas
We may meet horses, or other pack animals on some portions of the trail, they have the right of way. Step off the trail 5-10' on the downhill side and wait quietly until they pass.
Deer, Marmots, Rodents
Deer, marmots, and other animals are attracted to urine and sweat to get salt and other minerals. Do not leave sweaty clothing or boots unattended, they may be chewed and destroyed. Marmots can be a problem for stealing food. The good news is that every Bear Canister, by definition, is also a Marmot Canister. Or as a buddy at work calls them, the "Little" Bears.
Weather in the Wind River Range could be anything from warm, sunny conditions to high winds and a snow storm. You must be prepared with gear and clothing to deal with either extreme.
From AccuWeather.com, the historical average daily highs and lows for Jackson Hole, WY (6300') in mid August are 82°F and 42°F. At 11,300' we have to subtract 15°F which gives us highs of 67°F and lows of 27°F. The nights will probably be cold.
Everyone is responsible for providing their own backpacking food for meals and energy snacks. This is not a commissary based trip, they are way too inefficient. Bring more food than you would normally eat at home, but don't over do it - many people lose their appetite somewhat at altitude. As a backpacker, you will appreciate the concept of food as fuel. Bring things that are lightweight, tasty, and nutritious but easy to prepare, cook, and clean up after. Extra points for meals that pass the "Lick Test". If you don't know what the lick test is you should buy the late Colin Fletcher's "The Complete Walker" and read about it. The Complete Walker is the Old Testament of Backpacking, Backpacker Magazine is the New Testament.
Don't plan on buying backpacking food out there, it's too time consuming and we won't have time to do that. All of your food for the entire trip should be packed in the bear canister before we get on the plane. If you see some fresh food out there that looks good, add it to your pack but don't plan on it. Plan for food, energy snacks and drinks, from lunch on the first day to lunch on the last day for 8 days. We will eat breakfast on the starting day and dinner on the ending day in a restaurant.
Getting 7 days worth of food into a Bear Canister is difficult, but not impossible. If you have a big appetite you will have to carry a large and small Bear Canister. The first days lunch, dinner, and snacks do not go in the canister. It takes practice to get everything in - no hard containers - and Ziploc bags are your Friend!
We will have to treat all drinking water either with a purifier, filter, tablets, UV pen, etc.. I want each person to have at least two quart / liter bottles or bladders, bring the cap for the bladder in case you lose the bite valve. Bring an extra cap if you use Gatorade bottles for your water bottle.
Leave No Trace
We will practice "Leave No Trace" backcountry ethics. This means that we pack out all of our trash and garbage. It also means that we do not use soap or shampoo to wash in lakes or streams. Just swimming in the water without using soap works pretty well all by itself for getting your body "fairly" clean. Use a folding canvas basin and/or wash cloth and soap 100' away from lakes or streams to wash more thoroughly. It's okay to use a tiny amount (couple of drops) of biodegradable soap in the lake or stream just to wash your hands and face.
Stove Fuel
Vapor Fuel Canisters (the simple plan):
Carry the stove in your luggage, buy a vapor gas canister out there. This is what I normally use for three season flight backpacking trips. I will estimate how many canisters we will need for 8 days.
Liquid Fuel (the complicated plan):
We will be shipping our empty stoves and empty fuel bottles to the starting motel. We cannot carry our stoves or fuel bottles with us on the airplane unless they are brand new and have NEVER been used. Once used they will contain fuel residue and cannot be taken onboard the plane. Although this policy varies from airline to airline. NO AIRLINE WILL ALLOW FUEL OF ANY KIND ON THE AIRPLANE! We will ship the stoves via Parcel Plus, or Mail Boxes Etc. they have been trained to deal with empty fuel containers (so they say). We will have to buy fuel out there before the trip, and ship the empty stoves and empty fuel bottles back home the same way in the same boxes. We need to ship the stoves about 10 days prior to our trip departure to ensure that they are there IN TIME as THEY must BE SHIPPED ground. This is what I use for ALL winter trips.
Estimated Trip Cost
The trip cost includes: your share of a rental car, your share of a shuttle, the first night and last two nights in a motel. Not included: everything else, such as airfare, entrance fee, meals, drinks, necessary backpacking food and gear, rental car gas, tips, personal expenses, and any other necessary but excluded expenses.
$450.00 is the total estimated per person trip cost, the actual cost could be higher or lower depending on the number of participants.
Make checks payable to: Ted Fryberger and mail to me at the address below, do not send any money until you have been approved for the trip.
It is important that each participant bring sufficient cash/credit cards for incidental personal expenses. If the trip plans should change for any reason such as illness, injuries, or the backpack being shortened or extended by a few days due to circumstances beyond our control such as: severe weather, forest fire, high water, snowstorm, bear closure, etc - it could have an impact on your individual cost.
Participant - To Do
Qualify to go on the trip
Pay total trip costs
Get physically ready for the trip
Get your gear ready for the trip
Make airline reservation from BWI, or some other airport, to Salt Lake City, UT
Airfare is not included in the trip
It's very important that we all get there as close to the same time as possible so
we can all use the minimum number of rental cars. If you schedule a flight that
comes in several hours later you will have to rent your own car. If you fly into a different
airport you will have to rent your own car.
Trip Leader:
Ted Fryberger
6259 Deep River Canyon
Columbia, MD 21045
Phone: 443-917-2902(W/H)
Cell: 410-428-1868
Email: ted.fryberger@backpackskidive.org
Copyright 2000 - 2023 by Ted Fryberger & DeepSoft, LLC, All Rights Reserved |